Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Revocation Of The Power Of Attorney In The Eu Scam Artist Getting Powers Of Attorney On Elderly Now In Nursing Home?

Scam Artist Getting Powers of Attorney on elderly now in nursing home? - revocation of the power of attorney in the eu

I recently posted a question about a family friend who was cheated by his neighbor and gave him the lasting power of attorney. He was very specific and falling mortgage, rental of real estate, finance, etc., finally convinced to cancel and he did it. The POA was abolished after the day was his neighbor at the nursing home to visit his old mother and her mother had signed a revocation of power of the child and sign a durable POA to assign him as his agent. The mother does not know what he signed and I forget. The mother is on a feeding tube. This man is obviously a big crook (not) remain silent in patients altogether. The daughter K has lost more than $ 100 and we fear for the mother, maternal health and everything else. How can thisPeople informed the authorities? Can it be continued? Help please someone! It is the state of Florida. Please give us solid advice when you know what this man could be arrested, go!


David M said...

Contact your local prosecutor or district attorney and Mr. Florida Gen'l office. Put your complaint in writing and fax it to the office immediately. It is a resource that is useful and can rapidly. Call your National Agency on Aging and the report of the same facts for themselves. The public agency is the agency into districts or "zones" divided, so do not be discouraged if I tell you, that will go to the Area Agency on Aging. The nursing home can be a liability if they knew what was going on or the notary charge.

kehkohjo... said...

Stop posting here and your complaints to the Attorney General at the time! That's all you can do. Do it now.

Snoochie... said...

^ ^ ^ ^ Agree or they get a lawyer fast!

Douglas D said...

Yes, I agree Attourney Florida is investigating a well to the right. This is too serious to be treated in Yahoo Q & A.
However, I will pray that everything goes well for your friend (s).

elysiala... said...

Contact a lawyer and the Office of Public Administrator immediately. Can you explain their inability to revoke the existing powers of attorney and a neutral trustee, your affairs, who works for the government and appoint Wil manage to govern themselves reasonable. The girl had not much control, but at least it will concern all the assets liquidated.

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